24 August 2008

I'm back. Or am I?

It's been seven months since my last post. I'm not quite sure why all of a sudden I didn't feel like writing any more. Was it because of my meagre readership? Did I run out of things to say? A bit of both, I suppose, but there is a more personally meaningful reason. In the last months there have been quite a few topics I thought I could write about, but always thought, "Why keep writing about this stuff?" Perhaps "sceptical spirituality" is not something I identify with so much any more. It feels somehow wrong to describe myself as a sceptic. I'm just reasonable. I'm sceptical only in relation to unreasonable beliefs, but I'm not sceptical as a person. (That's an awkward way of expressing it, but you get my point.)

A few weeks ago I met a girl that claimed to be a medium. She also believed that everything was vibration, and that the table across which she kept casually brushing against me was made up of consciousness. You could say I was sceptical about her beliefs — which is a polite way of saying I thought it was all a load of BS — but that's not because "I am a sceptic", but because she's a nutcase. You see what I mean? I don't want to define myself around the fact that other people believe in strange things. It is them who are gullible, not me who is "a sceptic".

And then comes the "spirituality" bit of "sceptical spirituality". Do I still believe in spirituality? Does it mean anything real at all? As I see it, once you discard unfounded assumptions, appeals to authority, revealed truths, wishful thinking, false centainties, fairy-tale cosmologies and all the whacky stuff, spirituality is reduced to becomes existentialism. (Provisional definition of existentialism: You, the world, life, death, meaning, absurdity, hope, despair. Now deal with that.)

Despite what I've just said, I'm still attracted to spirituality and religion, even if I don't believe a word of it; and I'm very much inspired by the sceptical / secular humanist movement. So perhaps "Scepticual Spirituality" should remain the name of this blog after all. A different matter is whether I will write any more posts. We will see.